7 Agustus 2009

kakakku cantik

you know how much i love my sisters? a lot. yes actually a lot. even anything they did to me, even cry, even sadness, even hurt, everything`s will be okay cause i love them. they`re the most beautiful girls in the world hihi maybe its too 'much' but its truly that i just cant explain how much i love them. sssstt you just read this and dont tell them, okay? promise? hihi okay i trust in you. even i always act like i never care with them, but deep inside my heart is i never want to see they get hurt. see how beautiful they are

nathasya bolyn (1st sister)

okay okay, i know i`m not as lucky as them to have a beautiful smile and pretty face hihi but i really really feel lucky cause i have two beautiful sister. look for the other

desitalanie bolyn (2nd sister)

very beautiful, huh? God if only i could turn back time, i will call them with 'kak desi' and 'kak tasya' :( but its too late i think, i`ve already call them with their real name 'tasya' and 'desi'. but its okay, it`ll never change how much i love them. loves you a lot sis!

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